How to survive your 1st in DayZ – Steam Solo (2025)


This little thing is supposed to help you and also teach you some tricks about surviving in DayZ, help you not to die as soon as you spawn.By this day (entry 25.11.2018) the guide is most likely outdated.


Surviving is the only thing you need to play DayZ.
If you can survive, you can play.
For surviving you will need to know where to find any items you can later use.

Food, drinks, weapons, ammo, Medical supplies, Chemical and Tactical goods are spawned in various places like buildings, hospitals, workshops, markets, heli-crash sites (best weapons), hangars, airports and deer stands.
You might want to find a safe place to disconnect/connect again.It’s not a good thing to respawn next to a hungry zombie.

First, you will need a weapon. Hatchet or crowbar will do. Melee is the first weapon you will propably find. Search through buildings, shacks and cities. As you get more resources and expierience, you’ll get to know that weapons and ammo are more rare than melee (Obviously).

To make things easier for you some servers provide ”spawn goods” (Things you can obtain upon spawning on certain servers)

You might spawn with:

-Baked Beans
-Couple of magazines (yes, it is possible)
-a Backpack
-Various weapons

Surviving is fairly easy, but sometimes, razor hits the stone and you get attacked by a player.
For that you must have a weapon, or a good escape plan.
If your charisma is high enough, you can talk some sense into them.

You WANT to avoid ANY contact with another player, unless you are absolutelly sure you want to talk to him or kill him.

Be careful. Check every corner. Don’t sprint too much (be stealthy and quiet). Make sure you take only what you really need.


Weapons are randomly spawned, but more rarely.

Weapons are:

– Melee
– Pistols
– Shotguns
– Sub-Machine and Machine guns
– Rifles and Scoped Rifles

Weapons list here : [link]
How to survive your 1st in DayZ – Steam Solo (1)Of course you’ll need ammo.

Which can be found almost everywhere.
But only some types, for example:
You need few clips for your M16 but you’re in a city and the only thing you’ll propably find are makarov clips and Lee Enfield ammo, so you’ll have to go to Balota and there might be some ammo.

Sometimes you can find an empty whiskey bottle which can be used to distract zombies.
Unfortunately this is not the Last of Us and you can’t kill zombies with empty bottles. But if you are skilled enough you can hit a player. It will stun them for a short while.


Food is the thing that makes you go further and faster.

And since the new update, the hunger and water bar is splitted into levels. So when one of your bars go red, it means that one level will be gone any second.

Best places you can find food are:

Food and drinks can be looted from zombies.

Food and Drinks:

– Canned goods:
– Fills your hunger bar and restores 200 BL.
– Cooked Meat:
– Fills hunger bar and restores 1600 BL (Rabbit), 600 BL (Beef) and 400 BL.

*BL= Blood Level

-Soda cans:
– One use only. It can’t be filled up again. Also… fills your thirst bar.
– Wells can be found through the map and are safe to drink from.
– Ponds are very common across Chernarus, but are not safe to drink from since it’s an unreliable source of water.
Water bottles:
– Can be filled with water, but be sure to cook the water after refilling it from a pond.You don’t want to get sick, right?

How to survive your 1st in DayZ – Steam Solo (2)

Medical Supplies

These things are really important. You can find medical good at hospitals, airports and military bases (medical tents with red cross on it).

These medical goods are:

Painkillers – Stops shaking when hurt
Bandages – Stops bleeding
Anti-bacterial wipes – Same as bandage, but cleans your wounds aswell
Antibiotics – Cures infection or sepsis
Morphine Injector – “repairs” broken limb
Epi-pen – Wakes up an unconscious player
Heat Pack – Warms you up
Blood bag/pack – Restores 1000 blood per second for 12 seconds. Also. To administrate a blood bag you need a friend with you to give to you. Because you can’t give a blood bag to yourself for some reason.

And since you need to know your blood type you have to find blood testing kit.
I had some problems with testing it but when I finally clicked the things in the right order I managed to get some blood.


Since all doctors are dead by now.
The only help you can get is here.

I’m not a doctor.

Good luck.

But try to take some antibiotics from time to time when you start coughing and lose blood.
Don’t forget to read the leaflet.

If you get THE SEPSYS you have to chug as many antibiotics as you can.
You can prevent yourself from getting THE SEPSYS by patching yourself with antiseptic bandages.
You need some Symphytum and bandages to create one.

(See crafting section for further instructions)

How to survive your 1st in DayZ – Steam Solo (3)

Chemical Supplies and tactical goods

These items are common more then you would think.
They are … miscellanelous.

These are most commnon in DayZ
Pick them up throw away and enjoy your sort of red light for five minutes.
(you can pick them up again and take with you)

It’s the same as flare but it has minor light distance and more colours BUT it’s producing a source of light for roughly one hour.

Smoke granades:
Has lots of colors and make good distract for bandits and the zombies will go for the smoke so take it!

Also you can throw the empty whiskey bottle or empty tin can to distract zombies
so you can safely go pass them but beware they can hear things. And I dare to say that they run rather fast. I recommend not to run.


Now, we all spawn in the default survivor outfit.

But what if I told you, you can actually change your appearence in the game. AMAZING, right?
It can be changed by finding a cloth package.
It looks like this —-v

How to survive your 1st in DayZ – Steam Solo (4)

In these you can find camo clothing (camo pants, shirt and no cap) which is much better than that default nonsene.
Or a ghillie suit to satisfy your sniper dreams.

Or if you are enough d0uechebag and kill people on sight and let go your humanity under -2500. You’ll spawn with a bandana on your head after death.

And of course the same counts for the kind people of DayZ who get their humanity go above 5000 (such as me) and you’ll get a really cool outfit with blue-white checked shirt and jeans.

In other mods such as Epoch there is a wide, wide variety of outfits and clothing.


Yes, there are vehicles. But they are mostly broken. You gotta find them and repair them.

For that you need couple meterials:
– Engine Parts/Rotary parts (Heli)
– Wheels
– Windshield glass (Protects you from zombies)
– Jerry Can (Fuel)Which can be refueled mostly at gas stations.
– Fuel Tank parts
– Scrap metal
– Toolbox
All items listed above can be found at industrial sites, garages or gas stations.

Alternatively you can detach parts from other vehicles and add them to the vehicle you want to get working.
How to survive your 1st in DayZ – Steam Solo (5)
I’m a bad driver….

Use of Inventory and Loot on ground

Inventory (G) is basically a overview of all things you carry. It can make you summon, consumate or equip items. Your inventory looks like this —-/How to survive your 1st in DayZ – Steam Solo (6)
The backpack will expand your inventory (DUH!)
(basic). ×Also huge thanks to wiki for making this img.×

You can see everything usefull and everything totally useless, so you can easily decide what you can leave behind. (double-click).

————————————————Using items——————————————————–

Items can be used by : context menu (RMB)
……………………………… direct use (MMB)

A video can make u sure about it :
All credits from video goes to


Since the latest updates crafting had been introduced to DayZ mod.

It’s fairly simple. You press ”J” button a a Journal shows up. (You can view your stats there)
There you click ”craft” and a list of craftable items and it’s requierements will display.
You craft by putting items from your inventory (top right corner) to the “crafting table” right under it.
Then you simply click craft.

This feature might not be supported on all servers. (I’m not sure)

How to survive your 1st in DayZ – Steam Solo (2025)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.